Rydges Gold Coast Airport, QLD Australia
Rydges Gold Coast Airport
クーランガッタ・ビーチまで徒歩でもアクセス可能であり、ホテル内の「Runway Restaurant & Bar」では、プールサイドでのドリンクや軽食を楽しむことができ、フィットネスセンター、バーなどのさまざまな施設のほか、ATMとチケットサービスの利用も可能だ。
客室はブルーを基調とし、予約時に「Airport View」を選択すれば客室内からのスポッティングも可能だ。しかし、このホテルの特徴は7階にある“The Salty Fox Rooftop Bar”からの空港が一望できることである。客室からの航空機撮影も可能だが、よりクリアーな写真撮影が楽しめることは他では味わえない体験と言って良い。
⬜️掲載誌:月刊エアライン 2024年1月号/イカロス出版
Hotel guide for plain spotting.
Airport hotels worldwide
Rydges Gold Coast Airport
Gold Coast Airport, 4-star accommodation located directly in front of the international arrivals hall.
Coolangatta Beach is also accessible on foot, and the hotel's Runway Restaurant & Bar offers poolside drinks and snacks, a fitness centre, bar and various other facilities, as well as an ATM and ticket service.
Rooms are blue in colour and spotting from within the room is possible if the 'Airport View' option is selected at the time of booking. However, what makes this hotel unique is the view of the airport from 'The Salty Fox Rooftop Bar' on the seventh floor. Although it is possible to take photos of the aircraft from your room, you can enjoy a clearer photographic experience than you can get anywhere else.
We recommend this hotel as a great place to enjoy spotting aircraft under the shining sun and clear blue skies.
⬜️ Published Magazine: Monthly Airline, Jan 2024/Ikaros Publishing Co., Ltd.
