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“Grand Old Lady”DC-3/PH-PBA, DDA Classic Airlines, The Netherlands

オランダのアンバサダー役 “Grand Old Lady”DC-3/PH-PBA


今年はノルマンディ上陸(1944年)75周年を記念し6月6日には英国、フランス各地では大掛かりな式典が開催されたことは記憶に新しい。 75年前、実際に上陸作戦に参加した当時のC−47Aがアイセル湖(IJsseimeer)の南東部にあるレリースタット(Lelystad)空港に保管され、DDA(オランダ・ダコタ協会)が地元オランダそしてドイツ、ベルギーなどでチャーターによる観光旅客運送を行っている。  75周年を迎えたDC-3(C-47A)は、この6月から”Pleasure Flight”を実施しており、今回はDDAのご厚意により45分のフライト搭乗レポートを読者の皆様へお届けしたい。



さて、搭乗日が確定すると飛行予定コースの案内が手元に届き、2回目のメール配信では当日の飛行に携わるキャプテン、副操縦士(F.O.)などキャビンクルーの顔写真付きの情報が手元に届いた。何気ない情報提供であるが、航空機フアンとっては「夢」は一気に身近なものになり、フライト当日まで、天気予報や風向きなどを調べてみたり、キャビンクルーにはこんな質問をしてみようかなど搭乗への思いは張りめぐらされ、楽しい時間が過ぎていく。 搭乗当日は、フライトの1時間前にDDAのチェックインカウンターで搭乗手続きを終え、特製の搭乗券をもらって待合室でくつろいでいると、キャプテンと副操縦士(F.O.)、客室乗務員が乗客一人一人に挨拶と、簡単な自己紹介などコーヒーカップを片手に気さくに話しかけてくる。


乗客を一巡すると、キャプテンが自ら当日の飛行コース、高度、速度と見どころについてのブリーフィングがあり、その後、機体まで自らが先導し、乗客との記念撮影が実施された。 副操縦士はコックピット内で事前の出発準備で忙しく、操縦席から顔だけを覗かせ、カメラ目線でいるのが印象的であった。 また、キャプテンは、乗客との記念撮影の合間に、航空機の主翼、フラップ、エンジン、垂直尾翼など通常は出発前に点検する順路で乗客を案内し、その機能や役目について説明し、また、質問を受け興味のボルテージはマックスになるのを覚える。 客室乗務員が乗客の名前を呼び、搭乗開始となるのだが、距離を置いてみていると、記念写真に夢中の乗客をまとめているみたいに見え、微笑んでしまった。

Fun To Fly

我々が通常乗る「前輪式」の航空機と異なり「尾輪式」のDC-3では機首方向が高くなっており、坂道を登るように指定された座席に滑り込む。 あれ?外が見えない。75年前の規格で作られた航空機に座り心地の良い座席が設置されているので、通常に座ると目線は機内の壁であり、「仰け反る」ように座ると外が見える。これは予想してなかったことであった。写真撮影や、外を眺めるのであれば、通路側の席がお薦めである。 また、前列よりも後列の方が大きな主翼が視界を遮ることもなく撮影が楽しめるので、これも搭乗して分かることである。 但し、前列の良さは、コックピットから操縦士の声が聞こえることとエンジン音と振動が心地よい響きで体を包んでくれる事である。







戦後の1946年2月にオランダの王配(妻はユリアナ女王)HRH Prince Bernhard(プリンス ベルハルト)はアイゼンハワー将軍から余剰となった同機を購入し、オランダのコードである「PH-」、自身の名前であるPrince Bernhard Alphaの頭文字を取り「PBA」を登録番号として申請し、オランダ初の政府所管の専用機となった機体であった。

フォッカー27が導入されるまで政府の機体として1961年まで利用されたが、その後、Aviodrome(アビオドロム/レリースタット空港内)航空博物館に移管され展示された。1982年に設立されたオランダ・ダコタ協会(DDAクラシック航空会社)によってPH-PBAは引取られたが、満足に飛行できる状態ではなかった。1994年にイギリス空軍のサポートを受け、4年に渡り修復と修繕がされ同年11月にDDAは再度PH—PBAを維持運営することになったが、当時スポンサーであったKLMの意向により、1950年代のKLMレトロカラーに塗り替えられ広告塔として限定的な飛行をせざるを得なかった。2016年、KLMはサポート役から離れ、現アレキサンダー王の長女で王位継承権の一人者である”Princess Amalia”(プリンセス・アマリア)の名前を刻んだ本機はかつて王室が購入した当時の塗装に戻され現在に至っている。

DDA(Dutch Dakota Association)の役割





DDAクラシック航空 英語のHP:

支払いはクレジットカード決済であり、送金の手間もなく、また、飛行プログラムには、「スキポール発着」、「レリースタット発着」と明記されているので、日本からの搭乗であれば、アクセスが良いスキポール空港(東側General Aviationエリア)からの搭乗をお薦めしたい。

◻️掲載誌:月刊Airline 2019年10月号/イカロス出版

The beginning In March 1982 two pilots of the Dutch charter airline Transavia shared the idea to bring an airworthy DC-3 Dakota to the Netherlands. Their idea materialized when the Dutch Dakota Association (DDA) was founded. The legal status of DDA was and still is a foundation according to the Dutch law.

After a worldwide search for a suitable DC-3 – there were more than 30 aircraft inspected – a Dakota was purchased in Finland. In April 1983 the aircraft made its first test flight under the future registration PH-DDA.

In April 1984 the PH-DDA landed at Schiphol. In the year before, pilots and cabin crew received intensive training according to international rules and regulations. A technical service unit with knowledge and skills to maintain the DC-3 was set up. That summer the PH-DDA received the Dutch certificate of airworthiness from the Secretary of Transport Mrs. Neelie Smit-Kroes. The PH-DDA made a lot of round- and destination trips during those first years.

In 1985 the PH-DDA won the first prize at the 'Concour d’Elegance' during the airshow in Fairford UK. During the same year the DDA organization released the first on board magazine called 'Dakota'. This magazine is now called 'Logboek Magazine'. Bimonthly it gives readers not only the news about DDA but also stories about historic flying in general from all over the world.

Expansion of the fleet From the early start the DDA Foundation wanted to expand by adding a second airplane. In 1987, after a search of two years, a suitable airframe was found in Malta. In May ’87 the PH-DDZ landed at Schiphol airport. DDA technicians started a complete overhaul after her arrival. This overhaul would take 12 years.

On October 13, 1989 DDA opened their own hangar at Schiphol 'Hangar 3'. The same day the DDA Foundation presented the PH-PBB, the 1944 built Stinson L5 Sentinel, which until 1956 was owned by HRH Prince Bernhard.

After many successful years of flying the DC-3 Dakota, two of the DC-3′s larger sister’s were purchased, the DC-4 Skymaster with registration ZS-NUR later to become PH-DDS and her sister ship PH-DDY. ZS-NUR had flown since 1946 with South African Airlines and the South African Air Force. The DDY was purchased for spare parts to maintain the PH-DDS. After a ten-day ferry flight from South Africa the first of the two DC-4′s arrived at Schiphol in 1996. Equipped with 50 first class seats this machine was again put to good use for the enjoyment of DDA’s members and sponsors.

PH-DDA September 25,1996 will be remembered with great sorrow. That day we lost our DC-3 PH-DDA with all passengers and crew in an accident near the Frisian island of Texel. This event marked a turning point in the history of the Foundation and well beyond. Severe measures were taken to prevent the possibility of a repeat. In the garden of the Provincial State building a modest monument is raised in commemoration of the victims.

PH-PBA and PH-DDZ A long time wish of HRH Prince Bernhard became reality in 1998, the Foundation added the former government aircraft PH-PBA, Prince Bernhard Alpha to the operational fleet.

Due to limitations in regulations for operating an airplane like the DC-4, the operation became unviable. For that reason in 2000, the DDA board decided to seize the DC-4 operation. In Springbok Classic Air, South Africa, the association found a partner who wanted to operate this aircraft on a long-term lease contract.

Airline aspirations During spring 2001 DDA reorganized further and moved all her activities to the larger Hangar 2 at Schiphol East. DDA had long aspired to operate as a full-fledged airline, meeting the highest safety and training requirements set by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency ( EASA) . In 2003 this became a reality in close cooperation with partner Jet Netherlands by signing the DC-3 operation onto their JAR-OPS AOC license. In acknowledgement of this achievement DDA was rebranded to ‘DDA Classic Airlines’. A few years later this license was transferred to a supporting company called AllPlanes. In 2014 DDA was awarded the AOC (EASA-OPS) certificate by the Dutch Aviation Authority and was no longer depending on the support of suppliers in the field of operations.

As from 2016 flights were carried out under the Historic Aviation Regulation. This Regulation is specifically designed for flight operations with historical aircraft. Under this Regulation operational and technical conditions remain the same as under the AOC rules. Under these Regulations DDA was only allowed to fly with members and sponsors, which turned out to be an impediment to make flights available to the general public. That is the reason why DDA again in 2018 successfully applied for an AOC. This made it also possible to fly and make roundtrips with passengers in other European countries.

From Schiphol to Lelystad and back DDA moves to Lelystad by the end of 2009. The main goal is to merge with Aviodrome, the National Aviation Museum. Maintenance of the aircraft is performed in the Catalina Hangar also at Lelystad Airport. The offices are situated in the building of Aviodrome. Two years later, Aviodrome ran into financial difficulties. KLM offered hangar space and office facilities at Schiphol East. DDA returned to Schiphol in November 2013.

The first decades the management of the foundation was in the hands of a committee with a director and a supervisory board. Since 2013 the board consists of five members, all with a long-time KLM career. An Advisory Board assists the board. Due to the financial situation during the recession the DDA board decided to focus on exploitation of the DC-3's and sell the other aircraft. The DC-4 leased to Springbok Classic Air was sold to the Flying Dutchman Foundation. When sufficient funds are available this Foundation has the intention to give the aircraft a complete overhaul and start operations in the Netherlands. The second DC-4, located at the premises of Aviodrome, was sold to the museum.

Farewell to PH-DDZ and KLM During the summer of 2012, one of the engines of the PH-DDZ failed. Forced by the modest financial situation this aircraft was grounded. After almost four years of inactivity the DDZ was sold to Aviodrome.

In 2016 DDA’s main sponsor KLM terminated the cooperation. During the many years KLM cooperated with DDA many trips were made for KLM celebrations in Europe to support KLM’s promotion in these countries. Due to this development in October 2016 DDA moved again back to Lelystad Airport to be accommodated in the Catalina Hanger where she met with the only airworthy Catalina in the Netherlands. The foreseen cooperation and synergy with the Catalina organization worked in the field of maintenance, in other areas the two organizations unfortunately could not find ways to benefit from each other.


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